Mediation Issues
There are a variety of family circumstances that regularly bring people to mediation. The pages below will give you some information about the most common of these and help you decide whether or not mediation is right for you.

When couples separate they are often faced with having to somehow afford to run two homes from the same, or less, income than they had previously. Usually this is very difficult and in some cases not possible at all.

Property & Living Arrangements
When couples separate, their living arrangements in the short, medium and long term can be difficult to agree. If you co-own a property there will be questions about if and when it is to be sold, who may live there, how the value will be divided and when.

Child Arrangements
Children thrive with structure and routine, and separated parents find coparenting easier once expectations and boundaries are set. Agreeing child arrangements in advance of issues cropping up can help alleviate tension.

Quite often separating couples can find the divorce process itself, the administrative process of dissolving the marriage, to be difficult. There can be uncertainty and disagreement about fundamental issues.