Complaints Procedure

Legal Agreements

Surrey Family & Mediation Services aims to provide those entering mediation with the best possible service. However, from time to time there are occasions when users of our service may feel that the quality or level of service provided falls short of what can reasonably be expected. Our clients’ continued involvement and goodwill is of great value to us. If you have a complaint, we would like you to tell us about it. We value the trouble you may take to explain why you are dissatisfied. 

Surrey Family and Mediation Services are able to accept complaints about any aspect of the service including the administration of the mediation process and the delivery of the mediation service. However, please note that we are unable to investigate complaints about the content of mediation discussions.


How to Complain:


Making a complaint about the administration of Mediation Process


If you have a complaint about the mediation office staff at Surrey Family and Mediation Services, please send your complaint in writing to the Service Manager via the details set out at the end of this document.

You will receive a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days. The Service Manager will then investigate the circumstances of the complaint through an interview with the staff member involved and may, in certain circumstances, undertake a telephone discussion with the complainant to clarify understanding. You will receive a reply in writing within 10 working days of our receipt of the complaint.


Making a complaint about Mediation


Complaints should be made initially to the Mediator with a view to satisfactorily resolving the issue there and then.

If the issue cannot be resolved directly with the mediator, the complaint should be submitted in writing to the Service Manager at Surrey Family & Mediation Services. The Service Manager will then discuss the matter with the Professional Practice Consultant and the mediator and may contact the complainant to clarify aspects of the complaint if required. You will receive a response to your complaint within 10 working days of our receipt of your complaint. Complainants will be informed of any unforeseen delays.

Surrey Family & Mediation Services respectfully request that complainants notify the Service Manager within 10 working days of receiving a reply if they are content with how their complaint has been dealt with or whether they wish to take the matter further.


What to do if you are not happy with the response to your complaint


We request that you write directly to our Chair of our Trustees at Surrey Family & Mediation Services within seven days, if you feel the matter has not been dealt adequately. In the event that you are still unhappy and wish to take up your complaint with the Family Mediation Standards Board (FMSB), please submit a written complaint to the FMSB. If you are still unhappy with the response once the FMSB’s complaints process has been exhausted, you may appeal the decision to the FMSB at the address below.


Timetable for Processing of Complaints:


Process Timetable
Acknowledgement of complaint

3 working days of receipt


Written response from Surrey Family & Mediation Services to complainant 10 working days of receipt


Person to Contact to Make a Complaint:


Role Contact
Service Manager Tamsin Remnant
SF&MS, Room F, Guildford Institute, Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH
Professional Practice Consultant Sheila Parkes, SF&MS, Room F, Guildford Institute, Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH
 Chair of Trustees Francis Preedy, SF&MS, Room F, Guildford Institute,
Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH

College of Mediators 



Family Mediation Council

Family Mediation Council,
International Dispute Resolution Centre, 70 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1EU 

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